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Megistotherium es un género extinto de creodonte, y la única especie conocida de éste es Megistotherium osteothlastes.​ Algunos paleontólogos lo consideran un sinónimo más moderno de Hyainailouros sulzeri Wikipedia
Clasificación superior: Hyaenodontidae
Nombre científico: Megistotherium
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Megistotherium is an extinct genus of hyaenodont belonging to the family Hyainailouridae that lived in Africa. Megistotherium. Temporal range: 19.0–14.0 Ma.
Megistotherium de prehistoric-fauna.com
Megistotherium osteothlastes was an enormous hyaenodontid creodont that lived during the early Miocene Epoch some 23 million years ago.
Megistotherium de dinopedia.fandom.com
Megistotherium is a hyainailourid creodont from Eocene Kenya, Egypt, Namibia, Uganda, and Libya. It is the largest hyaenodont known today, with an estimated ...
Megistotherium de www.prehistoric-wildlife.com
Facts and information about Megistotherium and thousands of other prehistoric creatures.
Megistotherium de jurassic-world-alive.fandom.com
Watch out for Megistotherium! This carnivore was one of the most tenacious predators to inhabit Africa during the Miocene. Its size rivals the modern ...
Megistotherium de es.m.wikipedia.org
Megistotherium (del griego, megistos "grande" + therion "bestia" y osteon 'hueso' + thlaston 'aplastado, mordido' con -es como agente sustantivo: ...
Megistotherium is a genus of hyaenodont in the family Hyaenailouridae. Its fossils are found in northern Africa. This mammal lived from 19 to 14 million ...
2 sept 2023 · Name: Megistotherium Diet: Carnivore. Species: Osteothlastes. Time: Early Miocene.