

An acronym, a type of abbreviation, is a word or name consisting of parts of the full name's words. Some authorities add that an acronym must be pronounced as a single word rather than individual letters, ... Wikipedia
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Apr 16, 2024 · An acronym is a kind of abbreviation. Abbreviations can be shortened forms of any kind. For example, appt is an abbreviation of appointment, and ...
An acronym, a type of abbreviation, is a word or name consisting of parts of the full name's words. Some authorities add that an acronym must be pronounced ...
Acronym Finder is the largest and most trusted database of over 4 million acronyms and abbreviations. What does an abbreviation stands for?
Nov 30, 2022 · An acronym is a specific type of abbreviation that forms a pronounceable word from the first letter or syllable of each word in a phrase. For ...
Quickly and easily find short, pronouncable names for your project, invention, algorithm or pet rock with this acronym generator.
An acronym is a term formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the major parts of a compound term. This list explains acronyms found on the cms.hhs.
Acronyms dictionary · featured terms · coda · NFT · APIDA · PSL · WIC · G.A.Y. · AAPI. AAPI is an abbreviation that stands for Asian… WTM ...
An acronym is a word formed by abbreviating a phrase by combining certain letters of words in the phrase (often the first initial of each) into a single term.
An acronym (pronounced AK-ruh-nihm, from Greek acro- in the sense of extreme or tip and onyma or name) is an abbreviation of several words in such a way ...