Dr. Deepika's Homeopathy
Dr. Deepika's Homeopathy
Nov 12, 2023
*DEAR READERS,* This is a quick and helpful guide for Diwali Night. Sometimes, there may not be a doctor available during the festivities, so it's essential to keep these two medicines on hand. *In Case of Burns:* Provide first aid by applying ice or cold water over the burn. Avoid rubbing or drying with a towel. Take *Cantharis 200, five to six pills four times a day for three days*. This not only prevents blister formation but also reduces pain and the burning sensation. *Note*: Cantharis 200 is recommended to address burns in their initial stages. For third-degree burns, seek immediate attention from a registered medical practitioner. *In Case of Choking Sensation or Breathlessness:* If you experience difficulty breathing due to pollution or smoke, *take 5 pills of Ipecac 200 every 4 hours*. Remain indoors and sip normal water frequently. Consult your doctor the next day. *Note:* It's crucial not to continue these medications for more than three days. This quick help guide is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor and avoid self-medication for an extended period. Wishing you all a Safe and Happy Diwali. Stay healthy Naturally. *Dr. Deepika's Homeopathy* https://bit.ly/m/homeopath
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