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Hutchinson S.A.

Hutchinson S.A.

Hutchinson S.A. es un fabricante de neumáticos con sede en París, Francia. Fue fundada en 1853 por Hiram Hutchinson y comenzó a fabricar neumáticos para bicicletas en 1890. Además de neumáticos de bicicleta, se especializa en sellados,... Wikipedia
Fecha de fundación: 1853
Lugar de fundación: Francia
Empresa matriz: TotalEnergies
Tipo: Empresa pública

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Somos unas 40 000 personas de 25 países que trabajamos juntas para conseguir una movilidad sostenible en el aire, en la tierra y en el mar.
Hutchinson S.A. de es.m.wikipedia.org
Hutchinson S.A. es un fabricante de neumáticos con sede en París, Francia. Fue fundada en 1853 por Hiram Hutchinson y comenzó a fabricar neumáticos para ...
Hutchinson S.A. de www.hutchinson.com
Global leader in vibration control, fluid management and sealing system technologies based on rubber, thermoplastic, elastomeric and polymer materials.
Hutchinson is a French multinational Group known as the third-largest manufacturer of non-tire rubber in the world. It was founded in 1853 by Hiram ...
Hutchinson designs and produces customized materials and connected solutions to respond to the needs of its global customers, on land, in the air and at sea ...
Hutchinson S.A. de www.crunchbase.com
Hutchinson SA engages in the production and distribution of sealing, vibration, acoustic and thermal insulation. Paris, Ile-de-France, France · 101-250 ...
Hutchinson SA (Hutchinson), a subsidiary of Total SA, is a provider of customized materials and integrated solutions. It produces and sells body sealing ...
-The Company is a global leader in the development and manufacture of elastomer processing for use in vibration control, fluid management, ...
Hutchinson manufactures industrial, automotive and consumer rubber products such as hoses, tubing, bumpers, spoilers, sealants and adhesives, rubber gloves, ...
The terms “Hutchinson” and “Hutchinson group” are sometimes used in this Website for convenience where references are generally made to HUTCHINSON S.A. (the ...