
Argo Navis

Argo Navis, or simply Argo, is one of Ptolemy's 48 constellations, now a grouping of three IAU constellations. It is formerly a single large constellation in the southern sky. The genitive is "Argus Navis", abbreviated "Arg". Wikipedia
Declination: 30° – 75°
Bayer/Flamsteed stars: 178
Bordering constellations: Antlia; Canis Major; Centaurus; Chamaeleon; Columba; Hydra; Monoceros; Musca; Pyxis; Pictor; Volans
Brightest star: Canopus (α Arg) (0.72m)
Genitive: Argus Navis/Argus/Navis
Main stars: 32
Messier objects: 3