1877 Iquique earthquake

1877 Iquique earthquake

The 1877 Iquique earthquake occurred at 21:16 local time on 9 May. It had a magnitude of 8.5 on the surface wave magnitude scale. Other estimates of its magnitude have been as high as 8.9 Mw and 9.0 Mₜ. It had a maximum intensity of XI on the... Wikipedia
Start date: May 9, 1877
Areas affected: Peru, Tarapacá Region and Bolivia, Antofagasta Region (both now part of Chile)
Epicenter: 19°36′S 70°12′W / 19.6°S 70.2°W
Magnitude: 8.5 Ms; 8.7–8.9 Mw; 9.0 Mt