

Geologic period
In the geologic timescale, the Bajocian is an age and stage in the Middle Jurassic. It lasted from approximately 170.9 ±0.8 Ma to around 168.2 ±1.2 Ma. The Bajocian Age succeeds the Aalenian Age and precedes the Bathonian Age. Wikipedia
Occurred: 170.3 (+/- 1.4) million years ago - 168.3 (+/- 1.3) million years ago
Lower boundary definition: FAD of the Ammonites Hyperlioceras mundum, Hyperlioceras furcatum, Braunsina aspera, and Braunsina elegantula
Lower boundary GSSP: Cabo Mondego, Portugal; 40°11′57″N 8°54′15″W / 40.1992°N 8.9042°W
Lower GSSP ratified: 1996
Fossils: Plot 1677 and BMNH R.497