
1976 Tangshan earthquake

The 1976 Tangshan earthquake was a Mw 7.6 earthquake that hit the region around Tangshan, Hebei, China, at 3:42 a.m. on 28 July 1976. The maximum intensity of the earthquake was XI on the Mercalli scale. Wikipedia
Number of deaths: 242,769
Start date: July 28, 1976
Casualties: 242,419 to 655,000
Depth: A: 12.2 km; B: 16.7 km
Epicenter: 39°38′N 118°06′E / 39.63°N 118.10°E 39°43′N 118°26′E / 39.72°N 118.44°E
Local date: 28 July 1976
Max. intensity: MMI XI (Extreme)