
(24835) 1995 SM55

Minor planets
(24835) 1995 SM₅₅ is a trans-Neptunian object and member of the Haumea family that resides in the Kuiper belt, located in the outermost region of the Solar System. Wikipedia
Mean diameter: 173 km (estimate); 519.43 km (derived); 610 km (Haumea-derived); 701 km; 704 km (upper limit)
Discoverer: Nichole M. Danzl
Geometric albedo: 0.7 (Haumea-derived); 0.040; 0.067 (at least); 0.10 (assumed)
Minor planet category: TNO · Haumea · cubewano; Scat-Ext · distant
Orbital period (sidereal): 268.59 yr (98,101 days)
Synodic rotation period: 8.08±0.02 h; 8.08±0.03 h