

The dagesh is a diacritic that is used in the Hebrew alphabet. It takes the form of a dot placed inside a consonant. A dagesh can either indicate a "hard" plosive version of the consonant or that the consonant is geminated, although the latter is... Wikipedia
Language of origin: Hebrew
Other letters commonly used with: ב‎ bet, ג‎ gimel, ד‎ dalet, כ‎ kaf, פ‎ pe, ת‎ tav
Phonetic usage: Biblical; ḥazaq(gemination), qal→,→,→,→,→,→; Modern;→,~→,→
Transliteration equivalents: : Biblical; ḥazaq: doubled consonant, qal: none; Modern; v→b, kh→k, f→p;