

In music theory, the tritone is defined as a musical interval spanning three adjacent whole tones. For instance, the interval from F up to the B above it is a tritone as it can be decomposed into the ... Wikipedia
Nickname: The Devil's Interval
12-Tone equal temperament: 600
Abbreviation: TT, A4, d5
Inverse: tritone
Just interval: Pythagorean: 729:512, 1024:729; 5-limit: 25:18, 36:25; 45:32, 64:45; 7-limit: 7:5, 10:7; 13-limit: 13:9, 18:13
Just intonation: Pythagorean: 612, 588; 5-limit: 569, 631; 590, 610; 7-limit: 583, 617; 13-limit: 563, 637
Semitones: 6