
Sansho the Bailiff

1954 ‧ Drama/History ‧ 2h 6m
8.4/10 · IMDb 96% · Metacritic 4.4/5 · Letterboxd
While on a journey to visit their father, a banished governor, Zushio (Yoshiaki Hanayagi) and Anju (Kyoko Kagawa) are attacked, separated from their mother, Tamaki (Kinuyo Tanaka), and sold as slaves to an estate managed by the brutal Sansho...
Release date: 1955 (USA)
Director: Kenji Mizoguchi
Cinematography: Kazuo Miyagawa
Distributed by: Daiei Film
Based on: "Sansho the Bailiff" by Mori Ōgai
Music by: Fumio Hayasaka; Tamekichi Mochizuki; Kinshichi Kodera