
Champagne Cocktail

A champagne cocktail is an alcoholic cocktail made with sugar, Angostura bitters, Champagne, brandy, and a maraschino cherry as a garnish. It is one of the IBA official cocktails. Other variations include Grenadine, Orange bitters, Cognac or... Wikipedia
Main alcohol: Champagne
Ingredients: 1 Sugar cube, 1/3 oz Cognac, 2 dashes Angostura bitters, and more
Preparation: Add dash of Angostura bitter onto sugar cube and drop it into champagne flute. Add cognac followed by gently pouring chilled champagne. Garnish with orange slice and maraschino cherry.
Served: Straight up; without ice
Standard garnish: Maraschino cherry and Orange slice
Drinkware: Champagne flute
IBA specified ingredients†: 9cl Champagne; 1cl Cognac; 2 dashes Angostura bitters; 1 Sugar cube