
Palaeoloxodon falconeri

Dwarf elephants are prehistoric members of the order Proboscidea which, through the process of allopatric speciation on islands, evolved much smaller body sizes in comparison with their immediate ancestors. Wikipedia
Height: Asian elephant: 9 ft. and African bush elephant: 10 ft.
Lifespan: African forest elephant: 60 – 70 years, Asian elephant: 48 years, and African bush elephant: 60 – 70 years
Mass: African forest elephant: 6,000 – 13,000 lbs, Asian elephant: 8,800 lbs, and African bush elephant: 13,000 lbs
Gestation period: Asian elephant: 18 – 22 months and African bush elephant: 22 months
Speed: African bush elephant: 25 mph
Length: Asian elephant: 18 – 21 ft.
Representative species