Chopin Forever

Meet the man behind the music

In collaboration with

The Fryderyk Chopin InstituteMuseum Celda de Frédéric Chopin y George SandThe Morgan Library & MuseumMuseum of Folk Musical Instruments in SzydlowiecDeutsche Grammophon
and 8 more collections

Feel good with Chopin

Turn on some Chopin and relax!

A Chopin a Day Keeps Doctor Away

Why pieces by Chopin can evoke positive emotions and reduce stress

Musicians love Chopin

Why do musicians from all over the world love Chopin?

Hats off, Gentlemen, a Genius!Robert Schumann

Chopin the Draftsman

What a nameday wish card and a calligraphy exercise book can tell us

A musical manuscript explained

Look closely into the details of Chopin's manuscript

The International Chopin Piano Competition

When Warsaw becomes piano capital of the world

A Competition Where Stars Are Born

The event which is for classical music what the Olympic Games are for sport

Listen to young masters

Hear some of the winners of the International Chopin Piano Competition

Different times, different tastes

A brief history of the poster of Chopin Piano Competition

From Chopin with love

Explore the world seen with the composer's eyes

Maestro's little pleasures

Favourite holiday destinations and pleasures of the table

Money, money, money

How did Chopin make a living?

Chopin and His Publishers

Tough negotiator

Romantic superstar

Celebrity of a Romantic era who inspires contemporaries

See the Music

Listen with the eyes - images inspired by the music

Explore the world's largest collection of Chopiniana

Fryderyk Chopin Institute

Are you a teacher or a parent?

Downloadable lesson plans for use in class or given to students as worksheets
